"If you observe your past that's all you'll ever be, if you look to the future that's all you'll ever become"
The Good
Internship Overview
The Good is an ecommerce Conversion Rate optimization company. Meaning they help companies identify and fix problems keeping their websites from being more profitable. They host a handful of optimization services including CRO Audits, Conversion Growth Program, and Conversion Research. This dedication to improvement even carries over to their internship program. Where tasks and directions are well documented for both UX researchers and designers to learn from.

My contributions
Conducted heuristic and competitive analysis on multiple
company websites to show their faults and how they can
improve conversion rates.

Session Recordings
Analyzed multiple session recordings of company websites
to find patterns that might be negatively effecting conversion

Observational analysis Research
Extensively researched the term Observational analysis for
a monthly presentation to educate others on the topic (full presentation below).

Heat Mapping
Analyzed multiple heat map types to identify patterns of failure and success within websites.