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Project Overview

Drop2drop is a catering company, and it is partnered with over 200 restaurants to deliver previously inaccessible entrees from restaurants that do not accept takeout orders. They offer a website, for their customers to order online.

My team conducted this usability test of the drop2drop website. We chose one on one think-aloud as our user test method, so locations depend on the evaluator's preference. The session seized each participant's reactions, navigational choices, task completion rates, comments, suggestions, and overall satisfaction ratings through think-aloud and SUS.

Once we were done researching we found common problems such as...

  • Inappropriate interface design

  • Vague and imprecise contents

  • Lack of reference information

We made recommendations based on these findings so the company knows what direction to go in when making future adjustments.


My contributions


Interviewed two users to see how they felt about the current state of the website.


Design Recommendations

Gave some recommendations in the form of changes, justification of those changes, and severity (how important)  these changes are.



Made conclusions based on collected data and recommended changes. These conclusions were later expressed in the final report.

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