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Job Search CUI

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Project Overview

Finding a job can be a long and difficult process. Because job applications are mostly done online now, they are available to a much larger amount of people. This leads to higher competition for positions, and the use of application tracking system (ATS) software can often take you out of the running before you even get a chance. We would like to make the job hunt more manageable by inserting a conversational user interface into the process. The CUI (Conversation User Interface) would help users find open positions they are qualified for, and make changes in their resumes so they don’t get filtered out by ATS software, and other features users might find helpful. The overall goal is to streamline the job search for users.

The main features we focused on for the CUI are allowing the user to create a job search profile, helping the user create or edit a resume tailored to the jobs they are looking for, and a simple way to filter through jobs and allow the user to find and apply to those that are the best fit for their criteria. We decided on these features because they are the three main things a person will need to do when they use a job search website or go to a staffing agency in search of a job. 


My contributions

Usability testing

Tested two people with both paper and physical prototypes to see how user-friendly the current iteration of our designs were.

Coworking Space


Used a CUI prototyping website called voiceflow to construct and simulate a job search voice assistant program that has multiple options depending on your decisions.


Made and periodically modified the script while usability testing was being done for CUI.



Developed a persona to better understand the target audience for our project.

Paper Prototype

Made and periodically modified the script while usability testing was being done for CUI.

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