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Internship Overview

Furtrieve is a pet tracking company that offers a variety of tracking solutions for pet owners. They provide GPS-enabled collars, which can help locate a lost pet quickly and efficiently. Along with this, they provide an innovative pet evaluation software that only requires a video of your dog to give suggestions on possible solutions when your dog is acting abnormal or sick. A team of 3 and I were assigned to redesign the mobile version of this app. We have spent the past few months narrowing down, ideating, and testing design changes to best match our client needs.  Unfortunately, our designs are under NDA, so I cannot show any of them on this site. But our poster below should give you an idea of the work and final designs we came up with.  


My contributions


Interviewed pet owners to see what current problems
should be addressed in a mobile pet tracking app.



Used Figma to ideate and confirm design changes with



Sat in meetings communicating with stakeholders on
product expectations and reality.


User Testing

Conducted user testing on the completed redesign of the mobile application. Mainly A/B Testing to see what they think of both old and new screens.

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